Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Types of Players at a Table

There are three basic types of poker strategies - conservative, aggressive, and super-aggressive.
Conservative -
- Play less hands with more strength
- Play hands that make decisions easier post-flop
- Avoid all-ins unless really strong (AA, KK, QQ)
- Win the big pots and try to double up with strong hand
Aggressive -
- Play all pairs, face cards, ace-x, suited connecters
- Win all of the small pots
- Play several hands, makes it harder to read you post-flop
- Put in harder situations and have to be able to make a discipline fold
Super-agressive -
- Aren't many starting requirements, play any two cards
- Play many pots and see several flops cheaply
- Hard to look at a flop and see if one of these players hit the specific flop
- To be successful with this strategy is much more difficult and requires a lot of observing at the table

1 comment:

  1. This was very informational, and i learned a lot about poker players.
